Donnerstag , 19 Dezember, 2024
Volkswagen press conference transformed into a studio talk format

Volkswagen press conference transformed to studio talk format

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures: In little more than a weekend, the agency Jangled Nerves adapted the original live production of Volkswagen press...
Experience the Mercedes-Benz Museum and Mercedes-Benz Classic digitally

Experience the Mercedes-Benz Museum and Mercedes-Benz Classic digitally

160 vehicles and a total of 1,500 exhibits in a building which has received much architectonic renown: This is the Mercedes-Benz Museum – a...
Volkswagen and diconium further expand their cooperation

Volkswagen and diconium further expand their cooperation

The Volkswagen Group and the founding shareholders of diconium have agreed on the acquisition by Volkswagen of the remaining shares in diconium. By acquiring...